Control Engineering



Associate research fellow Director, Institute of Automation, Institute of Engineering Technology, USTB

OFFICE 509 Keji Building

PHONE 0086-10-62332598-6300

FAX  0086-10-62332947



Robust control theory and method for industrial process with large time delay. Quality control technology in strip and plate rolling process. Detection and control technology based on pattern recognition. Integrated intelligent monitoring of equipment running status and real-time diagnosis of automation system


2001.09-2007.03 Ph.D. in Control Theory and Control Engineering, USTB

1997.09-2001.06 B.D. in Industrial Automation, USTB

2016.03-2016.09 Visiting Scholar to University of Wollongong, Australia


2007.04-2008.03 Engineer, Institute of Environmental Protection, General Institute of Architectural Research, MCC

2008.04-2009.08 Engineer, Department of Automation, Design and Research Institute of USTB Co., Ltd.

2009.09-2012.02 Postdoctor, Institute of Metallurgical Engineering, USTB

2012.02-2017.07 Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Engineering Technology, USTB

2017.07- Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Engineering Technology, USTB


1. Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project, 2014-2016.

2. The 1st Class Prize of the China Non-ferrous Metals Industry in Science and Technology in 2017.


1. Project Leader, Study on quality control technology of wide width and high strength aluminum strip hot continuous rolling, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

2. Project Leader, Research on tension and thickness control system of double stand aluminum cold tandem rolling mill, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

3. Project Leader, Research and application of SVM for online regression based on kernel method, Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project

4. Project Participant, Innovation method and application of quality control in steel service-oriented manufacturing based on big data, Innovation Method Fund of China

5. Project Participant, Model study on local buckling and local internal stress generation mechanism of thin strip steel, Special Research Fund for Doctoral Discipline Points of the Ministry of Education

6. Project Participant, 3D on-line measuring and analyzing instrument for metal plate and strip surface, National Science and technology support program

7. Project Leader, Improvement of thickness accuracy of hot rolled aluminum plate, Enterprise Scientific Research Project

8. Project Leader, Quality improvement of stainless steel hot rolling process, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

8. Project Leader, Quality improvement of stainless steel hot rolling process, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

9. Project Participant, Research and development of intelligent detection device for thermal pipeline, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

10. Project Participant, Development and optimization of rolling schedule for high strength steel in UCM pickling mill, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

11. Project Participant, A 1000MPa high aluminum hot galvanized dual phase steel and its preparation method, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

12. Project Participant, Study on digestion and improvement of cold rolling control system, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

13. Project Participant, Optimization of control model for 1720 mm pickling-tandem mill, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

14. Project Participant, Research on improvement of dimensional accuracy of electronic aluminum foil, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

15. Project Participant, Research and application of hot rolling and annealing pickling technology for high quality pure titanium strip, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

16. Project Participant, R&D and quality analysis of bar, wire and plate products, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

17. Project Participant, R&D of ultra-dense rapid cooling test platform, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

18. Project Participant, Development of flatness quality improvement and quality judgment system, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

19. Project Participant, Improvement of hot rolling control system, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

20. Project Participant, Research on low cost and stable production technology of automotive plate and development of new generation high strength automotive steel frontier grades, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

21. Project Participant, Software upgrade of hot strip mill production line, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

22. Project Participant, R&D of automatic control system for corrosion resistant hot rolled coil, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

23. Project Participant, Research and development of thickness control technology for hot strip continuous rolling, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise

24. Project Participant, Upgrade of laminar cooling automation system, Scientific Research Project from Enterprise


1. Zhu Yongbo, Zhang Fei, ZhangYongjun, Wang Zengquan. Particle swarm optimized neural network for strip crown prediction model research [J]. Metallurgical Industry Automation. 2019, 43(2): 11-15+28.

2. Donghong Ning, Shuaishuai Sun, Fei Zhang, Haiping Du, Weihua Li, Bangji Zhang. Disturbance observer based Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy control for an active seat suspension [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2017, 93: 515-530

3. Fei Zhang, Xiang Wang, Shengyue Zong, Zhi Ling, Hongping Pei. Application of comprehensive AGC system for aluminum twin-stand cold rolling mill [J]. International Journal of Control and Automation. 2017, 10(6): 49-60

4. Fei Zhang, Shengyue Zong, Zhi Ling. Fault diagnosis using kernel principal component analysis for hot strip mill [J]. The Journal of Engineering. 2017, 2017(9): 1-9

5. Yongjun Zhang, Jianli Zhao, Fei Zhang, Jing Wang. Approximate finite-time control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with dynamic compensation [J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2017, 27(18): 4296-4311.

6. Fei Zhang, Yuntao Zhao, Jian Shao. Rolling force prediction in heavy plate rolling based on uniform differential neural network [J]. Journal of Control Science and Engineering. 2016, 2016: 1-9.

7. Fei Zhang, Shengyue Zong, Xiang Wang, Xiaohuai Ren. An expert PI controller with dead time compensation of monitor AGC in hot strip mill [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2016, 2016: 1-8.

8. Fei Zhang, Binbin Wang. An online algorithm for roll eccentricity compensation [J]. International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology. 2016, 9(9): 155-164.

9. Ren Xiaohuai, Zhang Fei, Zong Shengyue. Synchronization control of deflector roll speed in an Aluminum strip cold mill [J]. Metallurgical Industry Automation. 2016, 40(4): 71-73

10. Fei Zhang, Xiang Wang, Shengyue Zong, Xiaofei Xiang. Research and application of computer control system for aluminium single-stand 4-high cold rolling mill [J]. The Journal of Engineering, 2016, 2016(11): 1-8.

11. Fei Zhang, Wei Yu, Tao Liu. Development of intermediate cooling technology and its control for two-stand plate rolling. Journal of Control Science and Engineering. 2016, 2016: 1-9.

12. Fei Zhang, Shengyue Zong, Xiaozhan Li, Handan Chen. Hydraulic gap control of rolling mill based on self-tuning fuzzy PID. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 2016, 31(6): 2985-2997.

13. Wang Binbin, Wang Jing, Zhang Fei. Prediction of mechanical properties of CSP using greedy unsupervised pre-trained BP neural network[C]. Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2016). Yinchuan, August, 2016: 3439-3442

14. Fei Zhang, Yongjun Zhang, Handan Chen. Automatic gauge control of plate rolling mill [J]. International Journal of Control and Automation. 2016, 9(2): 143-156

15. Zhang Fei, Zhang Yongjun, Hou Jianxin, Wang Binbin. Thickness control strategies of plate rolling mill [J]. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 2015, 11(4): 1227-1237

16. Ling Zhi, Wang Jing, Zhang Fei, Zong Shengyue. Research and application of strip rectifying control in aluminum hot continuous strip rolling process [J]. Metallurgical Industry Automation. 2015, 39(3): 10-14

17. Chen Handan, Zhang Fei, Wang Jing. Research of tension control system of aluminum cold twin-stand mill based on LADRC [J]. Metallurgical Industry Automation. 2015, 39(3): 30-33

18. Wang Binbin, Zhang Fei, Wang Jing. Model-free adaptive thickness control based on recursive least squares [J]. Metallurgical Industry Automation. 2015, 39(3): 34-38

19. Yao Yupeng, Wang Jing, Zhang Fei. Research and application of preprocessing algorithm of rolling data based on FCMD [J]. Metallurgical Industry Automation. 2015, 39(3): 22-29

20. Zhao Deqi, Zong Shengyue, Zhang Fei. High-frequency Oscillating Detection for Hydraulic Loop and Suppression Method [J]. Machine Tool & Hydraulics201543(15)94-97

21. Ren Xiao-huai, Zhang Fei, Li Jing. Research and Application of Communication between Siemens TDC and PLC based on DP [C]. International Conference on Computer, Communications and Information Technology. Beijing. January, 2014: 388-391

22. Zhang Fei, Guo Qiang, Li Ranying, Liu Dongye. Cutting principle and control process of modeling shear in cross cut shearing line [J]. Electric Drive, 2014, 44(4):51-54

23. Zhang Fei, Xiang Xiaofei, Wang Binbin, Ren Xiaohuai. Virtual Gauging System for Hot Strip Mill [J]. Sensors & Transducers, 2014, 172(6):105-110

24. Yu Wei, Sun Guangjie, Zhang Fei. Roll gap setting model and experiment for rolling sheet with variable gauge zone [J]. Materials Science & Technology. 2014, 22(3): 41-45

25. Fei Zhang, Yongjun Zhang, Jianxin Hou, Ling Huang. Research and Application of Thickness Control Strategies in Steel Plate Rolling [J]. The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal. 2014, 6(1): 1638-1644

26. Li Shiyu, Zhang Fei, Wang Zhenglin. Data analysis: R Language Practice [M]. Electronic Industry Press. 2014.8

27. Ye Lifeng, Wang Jing, Zhang Fei. Research of Smith-AGC based on active disturbance rejection control [J]. Metallurgical Industry Automation, 2013, 37(2):40-45

28. Ye Lifeng, Wang Jing, Zhang Fei. Research of ADRC based on model compensation [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, 2013, 36(2):140-145

29. He Li, Wang Jing, Zhang Fei. Research and application of discrete tracking differentiator in Shape flatness recongnition [J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, 2013, 25(2):58-62.

30. Zhang Fei, Zong Shengyue, Ling Zhi, et al. A Fast Positioning Method for Rolling Mill Electro-hydraulic Combined Reduction [P]. 201510452186.9. 2017

31. Zhang Fei, Yao Yupeng, Sun Wenquan, et al. A Control Method for Bending Roll of Cold Rolling Work Roll and Its Application [P]. 201310642618.3. 2015