Control Engineering


GUO Qiang

Asso. Professor  Vice Director, National Engineering Research Center of Advanced Rolling Technology

General Manager, Design and Research Institute of USTB Co., Ltd

OFFICE 608 Keji Building

PHONE 0086-10-62332598-6618

FAX  0086-10-62332947



Control Theory and Its Application in Production Process Control;

Research on Automation of Metallurgical Production Process;

Modeling and Control of Complex Processes;

Research and Application of Intelligence and Informatization in Production Process


1991.9-1995.6 B.D. in Automation, University of Science & Technology Beijing

2002.9-2005.3 M.D. in Control Theory and Control Engineering, University of Science & Technology Beijing

1995.8-2000.1 Assistant professor, Institute of Automatic Control, University of Science & Technology Beijing

2000.1-2005.5 Assistant professor, National Engineering Research Center of Advanced Rolling Technology, University of Science & Technology Beijing

2005.6- Associate professor, National Engineering Research Center of Advanced Rolling Technology, University of Science & Technology Beijing


1. Hot Rolling Electrical Automation and Computer Control Technology. Metallurgical Industry Press, October 2016

2. Foundation of Metallurgical Process Automation, Metallurgical Industry Press, November 2006.

3. Guo Qiang; Zhang Bo; Ling Zhi; Shentu Nan Kai; Zhang Hui; He Zi Yang; Zhang YongOptimization and Application of Finish Mills Temperature Control in Hot Strip MillApplied Mechanics and Materials2013Volume:380-384Pages:4253-4257ISSN:16609336

4. Guo Qiang; Hu Xiaojun; Zheng Zhenyong2012Research in hot-rolling down coiler dynamic torque controlAdvanced Materials Research, Volume:57272-77

5. Chao Zhang, Qiang Guo, and Jing Wang, “Finite-Time Synchronizing Control for Chaotic Neural Networks,” Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014, vol. 2014, Article ID 938612, 9 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/938612

6. Zhang Yongjun, He Anrui, Guo Qiang, the main technical status and development direction of rolling automation in metallurgical industry, metallurgical automation,2015,03:1-9

7. Zhang Fei, Guo Qiang, Li Ranying, Liu Dongye, Research on Control Strategy of Flying Shear in Transverse Tangent Mode, Electrical Drive, 2014, Total 294, p51~54

8. Zhang Chao, Guo Qiang, Wang Jing, Decoupling Control of Shape and Thickness of Aluminum Strip Cold Rolling Based on Delay Neural Network, Journal of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, 2014, Vol. 33, No. 4:343-348
9. Preliminary Study on the Application of Wan Wenjun, Guo Qiang, Jing Fengwei, Ling Zhi and Weka in the Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Strip Steel, "Tenth China Iron and Steel Annual Conference" and "Sixth Bao steel Academic Annual Conference", Papers Collection of the 2015.10 Conference

10. Guo Qiang; Zhang Hui; Zong Shengyue; Zhang BoResearch of LADRC in Hydraulic Looper Decoupling Control SystemChinese Control ConferenceProceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control ConferenceOctober 18, 2013Pages:8412-8416ISSN:19341768

11. Zhang Chao, Guo Qiang, Wang Jing. Multivariable PID inverse decoupling control for shape and thickness system of four-roll cold strip mill. Volume A of the 32nd China Control Conference. 2013: 980-985

12. Fei Zhang, Qiang GuoResearch and Application of Intermediate Cooling Control Scheme for Plate RollingInternational Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks2011p2451-2454

13. Guo Qiang, Zhang Chao, Mo Tiansheng; Application of Artificial Fish Swarm Neural Network in Coiling Temperature Prediction of Hot Strip Mill; Science and Technology Report, 2010, Volume 28, No. 295

14. Guo Qiang, Sun Wu, Wang Jing and Zhang Fei; Application of RBF Neural Network Integrated Controller in HAPC System; Electrical Drive, 2010, Vol.40, No.4

15. Guo Qiang. Hot coil box automatic control[J]. Metal World. 2010, (5):61-63

16. Guo Qiang, Sun Wu, Wang Jing, Zhang Fei; Nonlinear Control Research and Application of Hot Rolling Hydraulic Servo System; Machine Tool and Hydraulic Pressure 2010.9, Volume 38, No. 17

17. Zhang Fei, Guo Qiang, Wang Wei, Xinwei. Automatic gauge control system for hot strip mill [J]. Metal world. 2010, (5): 51-57

18. Pei Hongping, Guo Qiang, Ling Zhi, etc. Data tracking management system of rough rolling area after hot rolling mill transformation, electric drive. 2010, Vol.40, No.8

19. Tang Di, Guo Qiang, Song Yong. Development and technical progress of automation system for hot tandem rolling. Iron and steel,2009, 44(8):1

20. Zhang Fei, Guo Qiang, Shentu Nankai; Fault detection and diagnosis of hot strip rolling process based on PLS; Steel rolling; 2008.6vol.252008

21. Shentu Nankai, Li Hong, Guo Qiang, Zhang Dazhi; Application of Self-learning in Coiling Temperature Control of 1500mm Hot Rolling Production Line of Laiwu Iron and Steel Co.

22. Cai Jianwei, Wang Jing and Guo Qiang. Realization of Hot Coil Box Control and Active Transfer Function. Metallurgical Automation 2007 Supplement (S1)p566569

23. Guo Qiang, Wang Jing, Zhang Dazhi, Ren Hao, Wang Jichao, Yao Youlu, Shi Yuanhai, Zhao Lesheng, Laigang 1500mm Hot Continuous Rolling Automation Control System, Papers Collection of 2007 China Iron and Steel Annual Conference, Metallurgical Industry Publishing House, 2007.11p5-64

24. Fei Zhang, Qiang Guo,and Nankai Shentu. Computer control system of hot rolling finishing section, The 2nd international conference on information science and engineering, Hangzhou, 2010, p5009-5012

25. Zong Shengyue, Guo Qiang, Shentu Nankai, Jing Fengwei and Xiang Xiaofei, the right timing of looper high closed-loop and tension control input, Papers Collection of 2007 China Iron and Steel Annual Conference, Metallurgical Industry Publishing House, 2007.11, p5-74

26. Development and Application of Coil Transportation Electronic Control System for Hot Strip Production Line, Xiangxiaofei, Guoqiang, Gaoyang, Zong Shengyue and Shentu Nankai, Papers Collection of 2007 China Iron and Steel Annual Conference, Metallurgical Industry Press, 2007.11, p5-75

27. Guo Qiang, Wang Jing, Wang Chun, Zong Shengyue, Shentu Nankai, Xiang Xiaofei. Rizhao 1580mm hot strip rolling computer control system, Journal of Beijing University of Science and Technology, 2007, 178-181

28. Guo Qiang, Wang Jing, Li Jing, Song Yong, Wide and Heavy Plate Online Cooling Control System, Iron and Steel, 2005, Volume 40, No. 3, p48-51


The 2nd Class of the National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology.

The 1st Class Prize of the Ministry of Education for Progress in Science and Technology

The 1st Class Prize of the China Iron and Steel Industry Association and China Metal Society in Science and Technology

The 1st Class Prize of Society of Non-ferrous Metallurgical Science and Technology

The 2nd Class Prize of the China Iron and Steel Industry Association and China Metal Society in Science and Technology

The 3rd Class Prize of Shandong Science and Technology Award

The 1st Class Prize of Advancement of Metallurgical Science and Technology in Shandong Province

“Advanced workers” issued by University of Science & Technology Beijing

“Advanced Workers of National Engineering Research Center” issued by the National Development and Reform Commission


1. Design platform for simulation and optimization control of steelmaking-continuous casting-rolling process

2. Development of Key Control Software for Hot Strip Production Line Automation System

3. Technical Integration of Automation Control System

4. Study on Optimization and early warning of energy medium monitoring in the whole process of hot strip rolling production line

5. Laiwu 1500mm Hot Strip Mill Automation Control System

6. Electrical Automation Control System of Rizhao 1580mm Hot Strip Mill Project

7. Renovation Project of 1700mm Hot Rolling L1/L2 System in WISCO

8. Southwest Stainless Steel 1450mm Hot Continuous Rolling Automation Control System

9. Fujian Desheng 1150mm Stainless Steel Hot Continuous Rolling Automation Project

10. Liugang 1450mm Hot Strip Mill Automation Control System

11. Electrical Automation System of 1780mm Hot Continuous Rolling Project in Chongqing Iron and Steel Co.

12. Fujian Dingxin 850mm Stainless Steel Hot Continuous Rolling Automation System

13. Automation System of 1450mm Stainless Steel Hot Continuous Rolling in Beihai, Guangxi

14. Zhejiang Yongjie 1850mm Aluminum Hot Continuous Rolling Automation System

15. Electrical automation system for 1850mm hot and cold rolling of Juke

16. Yinhai 2850+3300mm Aluminum Hot Continuous Rolling Automation System

17. Electrical Automation System of Yinbang 4000mm1+1 Aluminum Hot Rolling

18. Rizhao 1580mm Hot Strip Mill Production Line Automation System Upgrading and Renovation Project

19. Upgrading and Reforming Project of Automation System of 1500mm Hot Continuous Rolling Production Line in Laigang

20. Fujian Dingxin 1780mm Stainless Steel Hot Continuous Rolling Electrical Automation System

21. Indonesian 1780mm Hot Continuous Rolling Automation System for Stainless Steel

22. Electrical Automation System for 1450mm Hot Strip Mill of Donghai Special Steel

23. Anfeng 1780mm Hot Strip Mill Electrical Automation System

24. Automation System of Wolaidi 1780 steckel mill

25. Automation System of Wanda 1450/1780 hot strip mill