Instrument Science and Technology


WANG Xiaochen

Professor Director, National Engineering Research Center of Flat Rolling Equipment

OFFICE 701 Keji Building

PHONE +86-10-62332598-6851

FAX  +86-10-62332947



Simulation, measurement and control of product quality for process industry; unmanned and intelligent control thechnology and equipment; industrial information system and big data application


2005.09-2010.06 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Science & Technology Beijing

2000.09-2004.06 B.D. in Industrial Design, University of Science & Technology Beijing

2014.03-2014.09 Visiting Scholar to RWTH Aachen


2010.07-2015.07 Assistant professor, University of Science & Technology Beijing

2015.08- Associate professor, University of Science & Technology Beijing


1. The 3nd Class Prize in Metallurgical Science and Technology in 2016.


1. Research on crucial technology of aluminum alloy grain size on-line non-destructive testing via phased array laser-ultrasonic, National Natural Science Foundation of China (51975043), 2020~2023

2. Research on the crucial quality models of titanium alloy sheet cold rolling without tension, National Natural Science Foundation of China (51304017), 2014~2017

3. Research on crucial technology of HSLA grain size and distribution testing based on laser ultrasonic technique, Beijing Natural Science Foundation (3182026), 2018~2020

4. Research and development of quality optimization for precision steel strip, National Key Technology R&D Program of the 12th Five-year Plan of China (2015BAF30B00), 2015-2017

5. On-line measuring and control of quality steel strip, National Key Technology R&D Program of the 12th Five-year Plan of China (2012BAF04B02), 2012-2015

6. Development of high precision electronic copper foil rolling production technology, National Key Technology R&D Program of the 12th Five-year Plan of China (2011SAE23B00), 2011-2014

7. Production and application technology of high-performance aluminium alloy wide sheet for transportation, Guangxi Special Funding Programme for Innovation-Driven Development(GKAA17202008)

8. Judgment of incoming material quality and pre-control system for 1420mm CSM, cooperation with Bao steel, 2019~2020

9. Running deviation monitoring and control in hot strip mills, cooperation with Ma Steel, 2018-2019

10. Profile stability control of silicon steel of whole producton stearm, cooperation with Ma Steel, 2018-2019

11. Development of surface degreasing and descaling technology without acid and alkali, 2016~2017

12. Control technology for high-strength steel of 1580mm HSM, cooperation with Shougang Group, 2016-2017

13. Profile stability control of silicon steel of 1580mm HSM, cooperation with Shougang Group, 2014-2015

14. Development of models and rollers for 1500mm CSM, cooperation with AnSteel, 2014~2016

15. Optimization of shape control system for 1580mm strainless HSM, cooperation with Tang Steel, 2014~2016

16. Research on improving dimensional accuracy of aluminum foil, cooperation with Xinjiang Joinworld co., ltd, 2016~2018

17. Shape control technology for automobile sheel of whole producton stream, cooperation with Shougang Group, 2012-2013

18. Development of control system for 1000mm cold strip mills, cooperation with Sihuiyinfa steel company, 2011-2012

19. Profile control technolgy of silicon steel of 1450mm CSM,cooperation with WISCO, 2009-2010

20. Research on hot and cold rolling for titanium and titanium alloy strip, cooperation with CSIC, 2009-2011


1. Renjie Xue, Xiaochen Wang, Quan Yang, Feng Dong, Yanjie Zhang, Junfeng Cao, Guangyi Song. Grain size characterization of aluminum based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition using a laser ultrasonic technique[J]. Applied Acoustics,2019,156: 378-386.

2. Zhao J W,Wang X C, Yang Q, Wang Q N, Liu C, Song G Y. High precision shape model and presetting strategy for strip hot rolling. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 265: 99-111.

3. Feng Xiawei, Wang Xiaochen, Yang Quan, Sun Yiquan. Analysis of Rolling Edge Control Ability of Work Roll of Six-Roll Mill[J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 55(12): 83-90.

4. Song G Y, Wang X C, Yang Q, et al.Optimization technology of roll contours during skin-pass rolling process of hot-rolled strip. Materials Science Forum, 2019, 944: 237-246.

5. Song G, Yang Q, Wang X. Research on Wear Evolution Laws of the Work Rolls during Hot Temper Rolling Process[J]. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 2018. 18(6): 912-919

6. Song G Y, Wang X C, Yang Q. Study on mathematical model of work roll wear in skin-pass rolling of hot steel strip. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 97(5-8): 2675-2686.

7. Song G Y, Yang Q, Wang X C. Research on wear evolution laws of the work rolls during hot temper rolling process. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 2018, 18(4): 912-919.

8. Dong F, Wang X, Yang Q, et al. In-situ measurement of Ti-6Al-4V grain size distribution using laser-ultrasonic technique. Scripta Materialia, 2018, 154: 40-44.

9. Zhang Y, Wang X, Yang Q, et al. Characterization of mean grain size of interstitial-free steel based on laser ultrasonic. Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53(11): 8510-8522.

10. Zhang Y J, Wang X C, Yang Q, et al. Nondestructive Evaluation Method of Average Grain Size in TWIP Steel by Laser Ultrasonic. Materials Science Forum, 2018, 913:324-330.

11. Wang Shang, Yang Quan, Wang Xiaochen, et al. Effect of projectile impact velocity on scale behavior of strip steel surface[J]. Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 2018, 39(4):766-771.

12. Anmin Yin, Xiaochen Wang, Christ Glorieux, Quan Yang, Feng Dong, Fei He, Yanlong Wang, Jan Sermeus, Tom Van der Donck, Xuedao Shu. Texture in steel plates revealed by laser ultrasonic surface acoustic waves velocity dispersion analysis. Ultrasonics. 2017, 78(7): 30-39.

13. Dong Feng, Wang Xiaochen, Yang Quan, et al. Directional dependence of aluminum grain size measurement by laser-ultrasonic technique. Materials characterization, 2017, 129: 114-120.

14. Liu Yang, Wang Xiaochen, Yang Quan, Peng Jinsong. Analysis of the shape control ability of the intermediate roller offset of universal crown rolling mill. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2016, 52(4): 82-89.

15. WANG Xiaochen, YANG Quan, HE Fei, SUN Youzhao, XIAO Huifang. High-precision Thickness Setting Models for Titanium Alloy Plate Cold Rolling without Tension. CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2015, 28(2): 422~429.

16. Liu Yang, Wang Xiaochen, Yang Quan, Zhou Chun. Research on edge-delay control of cold continuous rolling based on predictive function algorithm. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2015, 51(18): 64~70.

17. Xiao-chen Wang, Quan Yang, You-zhao Sun. Rectangular section control technology for silicon steel rolling. Journal of iron and steel, international, 2015, 22(3): 185~191.

18. Xiao-chen Wang, Quan Yang, Zheng-yi Jiang, Jin-wu Xu. Research on the improvement effect of high tension on flatness deviation in cold strip rolling. Steel research international, 2014, 85(11):1560~1570.

19. Xiaochen WANG, Quan YANG, Zhengyi JIANG and Jinwu XU. Research on the Improvement Effect of High Tension on Flatness Deviation in Cold Strip Rolling. Steel Research International, 2014, 85(11): 1560-1570.

20. Xiaochen WANG, Quan YANG, Ruijun LIU, Jie MENG, Defu GUO, Youzhao SUN. Temperature Field Analysis of Intermediate Slab in Hot Coil Box based on ANSYS Finite Element Method. Journal of University of Science and technology Beijing, 2013, 35(4):454-458.

21. Liu S, Wang X C, Yang Q, et al. Design and Applications on Automatic Gauge Control and Automatic Tension Control for Continuous Tandem Cold Mill[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 572:143-147.

22. Xiaochen WANG, Quan YANG. Research on Asymmetric Shape Control Character and Generalized Overall Shape Control Strategy for Universal Crown Mill[J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 48(4):58-65.

23. Wang Xiaochen, Mao Zewei, Yang Quan. Research on High Pressure Abrasive Water Jet for Cold Rolling Descaling. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 572: 31~36.

24. Liang Z, Wang X, He F. The Study of Online Detecting Technique of Steel Production Based on Laser Structured Light[C]. 2011, 145:526~532.

25. Wang X C, Yang Q, Liang Z G, et al. Research on Generalized Overall Shape Setting Control Models with Asymmetric Shape Control Function for UCM Mill[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 415-417:478-486.

26. Wang X, Yang Q, Zhao Y. Research on Hybrid PSODE with Triple Populations Based on Multiple Differential Evolutionary Models[C]// International Conference on Electrical & Control Engineering. IEEE Computer Society, 2010.

27. Xiaochen WANG, Quan YANG, Xiaozhong DU, Zhengyi JINAG. Allowable variation of cold-rolled strip transverse profiles in high tension. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2010, 17(5):608-616.

28. Wang X C, Liang Z G, Yang Q, et al. Asymmetric Shape Control Theory and Practice in Cold Strip Mills[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, 145:204-209.